How Did Jesus Relate To Sinners?
Jesus - Friend of Sinners - J.R. Hudberg (Impactus)
Jesus, Friend of Sinners: But How? - Kevin DeYoung (The Gospel Coalition)
How Did Jesus Act Toward Sinners? - Matt Brown (Think Eternity)
Did Jesus "Hang Out" With Sinners? - Devin Nicely (Advent Christian Voices)
Three Tips On Being A Friend Of Sinners - Jonathan Parnell (Desiring God)
What Does It Mean That Jesus Is A Friend Of Sinners? - (Got Questions)
In What Way Does Jesus 'Welcome' Sinners? - Ian Paul (Psephizo)
Why Was Jesus Called "A Friend Of Sinners"? - Craig Etheredge (DiscipleFIRST)
When Did Jesus Label People "Sinners"? - Allen Browne (Seek The Kingdom blog)
But, whenever Jesus challenged behaviour, was He not implicitly calling people sinners?
This article does not even include obvious examples like Jesus telling the woman at the well to "go and sin no more".
Having said that, what is true and useful in this post?