
Knowing Jesus

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What Makes Families Strong?

Strong Families In A Broken World

  1. God's Prescription For A Strong Family (Chip Ingram)

  2. How? (Chip Ingram)

  3. Part 3 (Doug Fields)

  4. Part 4 (Chip Ingram)

  5. Messy Grace (Caleb Koltenbach)

Gary Chapman

Based on Ephesians 5:18-33, in healthy families...

  1. Serve one another

  2. The parents' relationship is intimate

  3. Parents teach and train their children

  4. Husbands will be loving leaders

  5. Children will obey and honour their parents

None of this is possible without God.

Not Necessarily From A Christian Point Of View

Characteristics of Dysfunctional Families

Songs About Family