Leadership Course Resources

Week 1: What Leaders Do + Mission & Vision



Homework (not compulsory, just for your own growth)

Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course

All of the course notes are available here.

Pages on this website

Week 2: People Skills + Values & Current Situation



Homework (just for your own benefit)

Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course

All of the course notes are available here.

Pages on this website

Other Resources Online

Week 3: The Leader's Heart + Goals & Strategies



Homework (just for your own benefit)

Or, consider one biblical leader and comment on a strength or weakness in his/her leadership.

Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course

All of the course notes are available here.

In addition, a large part of the notes on Self-Leadership are about self-care.

Pages on this website

Other Resources Online

Week 4: Raising Up New Leaders + Planning review



Homework (just for your own benefit)

Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course

All of the course notes are available here.

In addition, a large part of the notes on Self-Leadership are about self-care.

Pages on this website

Other Resources Online