Leadership Course Resources
Week 1: What Leaders Do + Mission & Vision
Reasons For Jesus' Coming (Jesus' Mission)
Homework (not compulsory, just for your own growth)
Fill in the Reflecting On Leadership form
Identify a leadership story in the news this week and tell us why you chose it.
Fill in sections 1 (Mission) and 4 (Vision) of the My Plan worksheets.
Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course
All of the course notes are available here.
Pages on this website
Week 2: People Skills + Values & Current Situation
Homework (just for your own benefit)
Fill in the Reflecting On Leadership form (if you haven't already).
Fill in sections 2 (Values) and 3 (The Current Situation) of the My Plan worksheets.
Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course
All of the course notes are available here.
Pages on this website
Other Resources Online
Teal Trust Leadership Style Indicator - assess your own leadership style.
Week 3: The Leader's Heart + Goals & Strategies
Homework (just for your own benefit)
Read, or listen to, one thing on leadership. Tell us one thing you learnt.
Or, consider one biblical leader and comment on a strength or weakness in his/her leadership.
Fill in sections 5 (Goals) and 6 (Strategies) of the My Plan worksheets.
Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course
All of the course notes are available here.
In addition, a large part of the notes on Self-Leadership are about self-care.
Pages on this website
Other Resources Online
Week 4: Raising Up New Leaders + Planning review
Homework (just for your own benefit)
Would it be good to work through your My Plan worksheets
with your group?
with another church leader?
Relevant Notes from Laidlaw College Course
All of the course notes are available here.
In addition, a large part of the notes on Self-Leadership are about self-care.