The Purpose Of Preaching
Why Preach? - David Lose (Working Preacher)
Eight Reasons We Preach - Peter Mead (Church Leaders)
Why Preach The Word? - John MacArthur (Grace For You)
Why Preach? - Gary D. Robinson (Preaching.Com)
Why Preach? - Troy Spradlin (Margaret Street Church of Christ)
Prior to preaching, I sometimes pray that there will be R.C.A.: revelation, conviction and action.
Revelation - head - seeing something anew
Conviction - heart - being griped by it, compelled by it
Action - hands - doers of the word; real life change.
Preachers must preach for conviction and change. No one ought ever to leave a sermon without having a very real sense that there is something in their lives they need to do something about.
Feed My Sheep, ed. Don Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, 2002, p. 225.