New Christians
If you are a new Christian, you might want to review the material provided for those exploring faith in Jesus, just to make sure you understand the basics.
Important First Steps
If you have put your faith in Jesus and decided to follow Him, everything has changed for you. The following are things you will benefit from understanding
Being born again. What does that mean?
You are forgiven.
Assurance. How can you be sure that you have been saved?
Identity. Who are you now according to the Bible?
The Bible
Meeting with other Christians
Trusting God
Receiving the Holy Spirit
Dealing with temptation
Being Born Again
Jesus said, "You must be born again" (John 3:3). A new birth is essential if we are to be saved (i.e. forgiven, reconciled to God and granted eternal life.)
If you have put your faith in Jesus, you have been born again.
That is hugely significant and we will talk about it a lot more.
"Justification" is a legal term that the Bible uses to describe what has happened when we become Christians. Beforehand, we stood before God guilty. Through our sin, we were alienated from God and faced His judgement. However, when our sins have been forgiven, we no longer in that state. We have been justified. We are no longer guilty. When God looks at us, He sees no sin. Those sins have been transferred to Jesus and He paid the price for them. We are no longer alienated. God has adopted us as His beloved children. We no longer face judgement. Jesus has already taken the judgement we deserved.
It is "just as if I'd" never sinned.
Learn more about justification.
The Devil is evil and constantly opposed to God. He does not like people becoming children of God. Consequently, new Christians might experience significant doubts about the reality of their conversion. Satan, would love you to doubt God and stop believing.
To counteract that, please remember that God is absolutely faithful and always keeps His promises. He has said that anyone who trusts in Jesus will be saved. He has said that, if you have put your faith in Jesus, you are forgiven and have become His child. If God has said it, it is true. Do not listen to Satan's lies. Keep believing.
We have a lot more to say about the assurance/confidence you can have.