Biblical Eldership – Peter Cheyne
A Handbook For Elders by Graham Redding
The Eldership: Yesterday, Today And Forever? – study leave report by Viv Coleman
Understanding Eldership – John Roxborogh
Missional Eldership – Leading A Transformational Community – D. Goodmanson
MPC Eldership Leaflet - a sample leaflet for explaining the role
Elder, Overseer, and Shepherd: One And The Same Office? - David Huffstutler (G3)
Is There A Difference Between Pastors And Elders (1 Timothy 3)? - Denny Burk (Crossway)
Overseers Of Souls: Why Elders Must See And Act - Joe Rigney (Desiring God)
The Role Of The Elder
Qualifications For Eldership
1 Timothy 3
ESV Expository Commentary: Ephesians–Philemon commentary on 1 Timothy 3
In the course of teaching on 1 Timothy, Don Carson comments on the list of qualifications for elders and deacons in chapter 3. While many are daunted by the fact that this seems to ask for perfection, Carson suggests it is asking for nothing more than mature discipleship (plus the ability to teach.)