Following Jesus
Jesus is the most important person who has ever lived.
And nothing is more important than knowing Him.
It is in knowing and trusting Him that we are forgiven, have a relationship with God and are saved for eternity.
Those who do know Him, want to follow Him. To follow, they must be in a relationship with Him.
Spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus.
It is my hope that you will get to know Jesus better and follow Him more closely. If this site can help, I will be satisfied.
If you do doubt the importance of Jesus, please explore what is here and see what you make of it.
To Find What You Want
Use the menu at the top of each page.
Start by learning about Jesus.
Each aspect of Jesus also leads to aspects of discipleship e.g. of Jesus was prayerful, followers of Jesus are also to be prayerful.
Use the search function at the top right.